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How to Flush Poop Out of Your System?

Koszt maszyny do irygacji okrężnicy

Some effective ways to flush poop out of your system include undergoing a colonic procedure, increasing fiber intake, drinking plenty of water, consuming probiotics, and practicing regular physical activity. Dodatkowo, you can also consider taking natural laxatives, such as prune juice, aloe vera juice, and castor oil.

Get in Touch with Us!

We are a professional colon hydrotherapy machine manufacturer, and we offer worldwide delivery. If you are interested in becoming a local distributor or reseller, please contact us via email (lucy@colonhydrotherapymachine.org), WhatsApp (+86135.1090.74.01), or leave us a message.

Doradca sprzedaży : Pani Łucja
Konsultant sprzedaży : Panie Marku
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